Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Eagle Pass, TX

Dual diagnosis treatment in Eagle Pass uses a combination of therapies and treatments designed to improve the chances of making a full recovery. Dual diagnosis rehab takes into account the right medications needed to get symptoms of the mental health condition managed effectively.

From there, addiction specialists in a dual diagnosis rehab can begin the detox process to remove the effects of the drug from the system. Depending on the type of drug being taken, the person may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that could require emergency medical assistance.

Medical staff within drug treatment centers can provide supervision and monitoring throughout the detox process. In some cases, prescription medications may be given to help alleviate the worst of any symptoms that emerge. Dual diagnosis treatment in Eagle Pass then introduces integrated behavioral therapies designed to address both disorders simultaneously.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is the term used when a person has a substance abuse disorder and symptoms of at least one mental health disorder at the same time. It's estimated that almost 8.9 million Americans are affected by co-occurring substance abuse disorders and mental health problems each year. However, statistics show that approximately 7.4% of those people receive the specialized treatment they need to make a successful recovery.

Traditional forms of treatment demand that a person with a drug or alcohol addiction seeks help for the substance abuse order. Only once the person is considered clean and sober are they admitted into opposing systems of care to treat the mental health disorder.

The problem with trying to treat co-existing disorders using separate systems of care is that one disorder can often trigger the other, and vice versa. Studies also show that people achieve poorer outcomes and an increased risk of relapse with separate systems of care.

In order to effectively treat both conditions, it's important that they are treated concurrently using specialized dual diagnosis treatment programs for addiction treatment in Eagle Pass.

Dual Diagnosis and Addiction

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health an estimated 45% of people caught in the grip in addiction also have symptoms of at least one co-occurring mental health disorder.

Many people struggling with distressing mental health problems may turn to drugs or alcohol in an effort to numb painful emotions or escape from debilitating symptoms. Yet drugs and alcohol can trigger symptoms of mental illness or make existing symptoms worse, potentially sparking a cycle of addiction.

Types of Mental Health Disorders

Anxiety: Anxiety and panic disorders cause severe mental distress combined with a range of stressful physical symptoms. Even if the person isn't experiencing a panic attack, feelings of dread and fear of having another attack can be just as stressful as the attack itself.

Depression: Clinical depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people. Many of those people may turn to alcohol or drugs in an effort to elevate mood or numb painful emotions. However, alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system, often making symptoms worse. Statistics show that one in three adults caught in a cycle of alcohol or drug abuse also suffer from depression.

OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that causes irrational fears and causes the person to engage in compulsive rituals in an effort to find some temporary relief. It's believed that more than 25% of people with OCD also have a co-occurring substance abuse disorder.

PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is perhaps one of the most emotionally debilitating mental disorders, causing extreme anxiety and distressing thoughts, emotions and memories. Substance abuse problems affect a large percentage of people with PTSD.

Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment

Dual diagnosis treatment in Eagle Pass provides integrated therapies that take into account the unique needs of people struggling with co-occurring disorders. Each person entering into dual diagnosis rehab is assessed to determine the correct combination of treatments needed to improve the outcome.

Dual diagnosis treatment programs then begin addressing some of the underlying triggers behind addictive substance abuse. Drug addiction treatment focuses on teaching the recovering person healthy ways to cope with life's stresses and manage the symptoms of the mental health disorder without the need for drugs or alcohol.

Dual diagnosis treatment in Eagle Pass also considers psychopharmacology an essential component in the recovery process. Ensuring the symptoms of the mental illness are correctly managed can help reduce some of the triggers behind addictive drug or alcohol behavior.

Dual diagnosis treatment programs tailor the right combination of therapies to suit each person's unique triggers and different mental health problems. A big factor in the recovery process is learning strong new strategies for relapse prevention in Eagle Pass. Strategies help to reduce the risk of returning to self-destructive patterns of substance abuse after leaving rehab. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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